Thursday, January 03, 2008


Erika ironizes

A housewife

I saunter once
    with scanty legacies
Now because bustle
    is fine, I have
        bustle in my furniture
Find her a large short sun
    poured in a many-colored still portrait
I taste my existence leaping from
    lapse to lapse

Tuesday, January 01, 2008


Does size really matter?

Nick Montfort sent me a perl program he's written, a  256-character poetry generator:

perl -le'sub w{substr("cococacamamadebapabohamolaburatamihopodito",2*int(rand 21),2).substr("estsnslldsckregspsstedbsnelengkemsattewsntarshnknd",2*int(rand 25),2)}{$l=rand 9;print "\n\nthe ".w."\n";{print w." ".substr("atonof",rand 5,2)." ".w;redo if $l-->0;}redo;}'

It runs anywhere perl is installed (Mac, Windows, Linux, etc.) Just copy the text and paste into a terminal window (or Windows command prompt window).  It's pretty fast. Slow it down with this:

perl -le'sub w{substr("cococacamamadebapabohamolaburatamihopodito",2*int(rand 21),2).substr("estsnslldsckregspsstedbsnelengkemsattewsntarshnknd",2*int(rand 25),2)}{$l=rand 9;print "\n\nthe ".w."\n";{print w." ".substr("atonof",rand 5,2)." ".w;redo if $l-->0;}redo;}' | perl -pe'sleep(1);'

What's way cool about this is that it has all of the pieces text generation wants: document planner, micro planner, and surface realizer!  

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