Monday, August 27, 2007


Seeking collaborators

It's been a wonderful summer, lots of travel, lots of books, lots of time with family and friends. But now it's time to get back to work.

I’m looking for someone to collaborate with on etc3. In particular, I’m looking for help in expanding its nascent poetic grammar.

Regular readers (all five) know that I’m trying to use the grammar (actually a set of tree adjoining grammars) as a test of the thesis that poetry can be grammatically described in ways distinct from everyday discourse. And that once described, that description can be used to scaffold competitive aesthetic texts.

But I’m beyond my competencies in fleshing out the grammar. I’m looking for someone with interests in how poetic structures work (maybe a PhD in Elizabethan or English Romantic poetry?--or not). Computational skills are not a requirement.

If you know someone who might be interested (perhaps a promising student or iconoclastic young scholar), please pass this message along. It might help to know that I am not interested in writing papers relevant to the project—I’m interested in writing software. The collaborator can write all the papers he/she wishes, with or without my name, with my blessings.

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