Friday, October 10, 2008


Our 15 minutes

I've removed the list of names from the previous 2 posts.  So The Prosthetic Imagination can now slip back into the twilight.  But it's kind of interesting the kind of traffic you can get if you are willing to try a trick or two:

I did not find about Issue 1 through Google alerts or by googling my name. (A former student emailed me about it). Otherwise I would have found about it through Silliman's blog. I found your blog following links, but not due to any of the "tricks".

My traffic did not change at all after Issue 1. My participation at Silliman's blog's comment thread re: Issue 1 did not bring any new readers to my blog.

My readership has been constructed throughout nearly 6 years of blogging and reciprocity.

Not that anyone is ego-less, but it's not like we are driven only by ego to read other people's blogs. Some of us are actually interested in what other people write.


PS My most popular post is one about the history of the koi fish tattoo design. Those are one-hitters: people googling for images of tattoo designs.

Those hits don't really count. What counts is the constant readership. And that's the result of continuous work.
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